Tuesday, August 8, 2023

August 2023 - Back-to-School Guide


Back to School Guide


Stay connected!


We’re excited to get the new school year underway!

The next page contains a number of resources and details for starting the school year - breakfast and lunch, school supplies, calendars and more.

Final Forms: Families should complete Final Forms prior to August 24. Information is saved year-to-year, so after the initial completion, this should only take a few moments of your time. We need this information to ensure we have the proper emergency contact, medical, and other permissions.

School-Day Security: When visiting during the school day, we ask that all enter using door A1 (elementary main entrance) or B4 (high school main entrance). These entrances have a video intercom and door control systems that allow the building secretaries to open the doors. All other entrances are locked during the school day.

Fall Activities: Our fall sports and marching band have been preparing for the season. Most of our athletic teams will shift to the NWCC (North West Central Conference) this school year, a change that has been three years in the making. Best of luck to all of our students participating in activities this fall!

YMCA Early Learning Center: Our vision at Cory-Rawson is to serve as a “hub” for the community. The YMCA Early Learning Center at Cory-Rawson will open this fall. If you are interested in learning more, click here.

Vaccinations: Vaccinations that are required for school attendance are typically administered to students going into grades K, 7, and 12. These can be obtained at your physician’s office or through Hancock Public Health. More details are available on this flier from the Ohio Department of Health.

Hornet Launch Open House: Successful schools are the result of strong partnerships with families and communities. We hope you are able to join us for our PK-12 open house on Thursday, August 24, 4:00-6:00pm.

We are proud of both the small school atmosphere at Cory-Rawson and our growth of quality opportunities. We look forward to a school year full of growth for our students!

In our hearts, the green and gold,

Jason (Jay) Clark

Small school.  Big opportunities.

Cory-Rawson Back to School Guide  |  2023-2024

School Contact Information

Phone 419-963-3415   www.cory-rawson.org

Cory-Rawson Elementary School (grades PK-6)

Principal: Dr. Cory Hilty  hilty@cory-rawson.org  

Secretary:  Mrs. Susan Lambert  lambert@cory-rawson.org  

Counselor:  Ms. Jamie Szykowski szykowski@cory-rawson.org

Cory-Rawson High School (grades 7-12)

Principal: Mrs. Brianna Gerten  gerten@cory-rawson.org 

Secretary:  Mrs. Lisa Welch  welch@cory-rawson.org 

Counselor:  Mrs. Bethany Barnhart  barnhart@cory-rawson.org 

Athletics & Facilities:  Mr. Caleb Scott  scott@cory-rawson.org 

Social Worker (PK-12):  Mrs. Jamie Campbell campbell@cory-rawson.org

Transportation: Ben Smith smith@cory-rawson.org

Food Service: Kristen Gast gast@cory-rawson.org

New Student Registration

Families with students new to Cory-Rawson should complete Final Forms, then contact the appropriate school office (information above).

Final Forms

All families should complete registration forms online using Final Forms.  Forms need to be completed prior to the start of the school year. 

HS Schedule Pick-Up

Students in grades 7-12 are invited to pick up class schedules during our K-12 “Hornet Launch” open house Thursday, August 24.  See details below.

Hornet Launch Open House

Our PK-12 "Hornet Launch" open house is scheduled for Thursday, August 24, 4:00-6:00pm.  Seventh grade orientation will take place in the auditorium at 5:30pm.  We encourage all families to stop in to meet our staff, prepare for the new school year, and get any questions answered.  Additionally, representatives from different community organizations and student activities will be on hand to provide information.

School Supplies

Thanks to the generosity of SOS and area churches, school supplies will be provided to all K-6 students with the exception of a book bag, gym shoes, and lunch box.  Students in grades 9-12 should plan for typical school supplies such as binders, paper, pens, pencils and highlighters.  Our middle school (grades 7 and 8) teachers have compiled this supply list.

Breakfast and Lunch

To access the free lunch application, go here.  To access the online payment system, go here:  mypaymentsplus.com  Lunch prices for this school year:

  • Adults: $3.45

  • Grades 9-12: $2.60

  • Grades 6-8: $2.45

  • Grades K-5: $2.35

  • K-12 Breakfast: $1.35

Lunch menus are available here.   For questions regarding food service, contact Kirsten Gast (gast@cory-rawson.org)


Bus stops and pick-up schedule is here.  For questions about transportation, contact Ben Smith (smith@cory-rawson.org). Mr. Smith will also be at our open house to answer questions.

For parents dropping-off and picking-up students:  Elementary students should be dropped at door A2.  High school students can be dropped at door B1.  We ask that parents pull up to the designated areas to alleviate congestion.

First Days and Calendar

The first day of classes for preschool and grades 1-12 is Tuesday, September 5.  Kindergarten and begindergarten students have individual screening appointments the first week and begin classes Monday, September 11, 2023.  

Visit our website for updated school events.  The calendar for the 2023-2024 school year is accessible here.

Our school day starts at 8:05am.  Elementary students are dismissed starting at 3:00pm and high school at 3:05pm.

Small school.  Big opportunities.

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