Friday, May 12, 2023

May 2023

Members of the CRHS class of 2023 pose prior to the senior recognition banquet.  Congratulations to all of our graduates and best of luck on your journey!!! 

It's hard to believe that we're wrapping up the 2022-23 school year! As I get older, school years move faster and faster.

A big thank-you to voters for the renewal of our income tax. We're committed to continuing doing great things - providing big opportunities while embracing our small school atmosphere.

Jay Clark, Superintendent 

Parent/Guardian Survey Results Available

Approximately 25% of our families completed the district survey that was conducted in March.  We appreciate the feedback and will use this to plan for continued improvement.  Results are available in an easy-to-read infographic here.

Year-End Dates to Remember

  • Tuesday 5/16:  Sports Physicals
  • Saturday 5/20:  Art Show/Tech Fest, 1:00-6:00pm (Commons & Abbey gym)
  • Friday 5/26:  Seniors' Last Day
  • Sunday 5/28:  Graduation, 2:00pm (Hive gym)
  • Monday 5/29:  Memorial Day - No school
  • Thursday 6/1:  Last day of classes

Notes from our Nurse

Greetings parents & guardians!  It is hard to believe that we only have 2.5 weeks of school left. This year has gone by so quickly.  

It appears that strep throat is slowing down and there are fewer complaints of stomach upset/ vomiting.  We are seeing some pink eye so keep that in mind.   

Kindergarten students will need to be up to date on immunizations prior to the start of 2023-2024 school year.  Students going into 7th grade and 12th grade also need immunizations.  Click here for more details.

During April and May, K-6 graders are receiving nutrition education.  This includes the 5 food groups, healthy choices and "My Plate" to help know how much of each food group is needed daily.  

It has been a great year and I look forward to 2023-2024.  I truly hope you all enjoy your summers.  Thank you!

Athletic Physicals Day

Physical day is next week on May 16th from 1-3 PM! This is a great opportunity to get your student(s) physicals done and out of the way for next year.

Information for the day is below. Please make sure your student(s) pick up a physical form in the HS or elementary offices!

February 2025

Go Hornets!  Our Hornette elementary cheerleaders led halftime entertainment at the February 10 varsity girls basketball game. Dates to Note...