Friday, October 13, 2023

October 2023

CRHS students and staff "psych out" at our Homecoming pep session

Did you know that only 1 in 4 high school students graduate with a guaranteed personal finance course? Financial education nonprofit Next Gen Personal Finance has recognized Cory-Rawson High School as one of 180 Gold Standard Schools in Ohio because we require a standalone personal finance course. Cory-Rawson has offered Financial Literacy as an elective in the past and the class of 2026 will be the first required to take the class, which covers budgeting, credit management, and more.
In addition to personal finance, we’re proud to provide a number of “real world” experiences to our students. At the foundation, our elementary school is a Leader in Me school. Students lear
n how to take responsibility, be proactive, how to set goals and track progress, manage their time, resolve conflicts, listen to understand, and to focus on self-improvement. 

Interview skills, ordering at a restaurant, presenting, collaborating with a team, and talking on the telephone are all taught to junior high students as part of our Thrive initiative. The “Amazing Shake” and “Shark Tank” events pull these skills together.

Our graphic design class partners with The Bluffton News to help produce advertisements and layouts - providing an authentic audience for our students’ artwork. Those with an interest in the outdoors and conservation utilize our school’s land lab, resources from the community and the Ohio Department of Natural Resources in our environmental science classes. We consume a vast amount of data through different media - our data science class is dissecting real data, asking questions and learning how to best interpret and understand it.

This is all intentional - driven by our "Portrait of a Hornet", which was created by school staff, community members, parents, students, employers, and higher education personnel to determine what skills and attributes our students need to be successful in a rapidly-changing world. Communication, relationship-building, critical thinking, and resilience were all identified as the keys to success, no matter what pathway our graduates take as they move forward in life. 

In our heart
s, the green and gold,

Jay Clark


Dates to Remember

  • Thursday 11/2/23:  Picture retake day
  • Friday 11/3/23:  Planned two-hour delay, end of first quarter
  • Monday 11/6/23:  Veterans Day Breakfast and Program
  • Tuesday 11/7/23:  ES Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00-6:30pm)
  • Wednesday 11/15/23:  ES Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:00-6:30pm)
  • Wednesday 11/22 - Friday 11/24/23:  No school - Thanksgiving break

Cory-Rawson celebrates Veterans Day

We are honored to invite all veterans and a spouse or guest to our Veterans Day Program on Monday, November 6, 2023. The program is a combined effort of Cory-Rawson’s students and staff and is our way of saying “thank you” for the service and sacrifices our veterans have made in peacetime and in war.Veterans and their spouse/guest are invited to arrive at the school beginning at 8:15am, with breakfast being served at 8:30am. During the breakfast, our elementary school students will present a program and assist in serving the meal.

Once the breakfast has concluded, veterans and guests will be escorted to the high school program, which will begin at 9:30am. If you are planning to attend, please park in either lot in front of the elementary wing and enter at the elementary school entrance (marked “A1” on the exterior). Parking will be reserved in this lot for veterans and we would kindly ask that parking closest to the doors be reserved for those most in need.

Veterans planning to attend the breakfast and program may either call the school at 419-963-3415 (extension 1100) or email April Sybert ( If possible, please respond by November 2 so we can include you in the program. We look forward to seeing you and honoring your service to our community and country!

Registration Open for YMCA Early Learning Center at Cory-Rawson

The Findlay YMCA will soon open a child care center that will serve infants, toddlers, pre-school-aged children and provide before- and after-school care for school-aged children on our school campus. The YMCA is now accepting registration - click here for details.  A grant secured by the Cory-Rawson Education Association helped make this a reality for our community.

Notes from the Nurse

Vaccination Requirement: Final reminder that students entering 7th grade are required to have a Tdap and Meningococcal vaccine or exemption form on file.  Students entering 12th grade are to have a second Meningococcal vaccine or exemption form on file.  You can get an exemption form from the office.  Thank you!

Health Class Speakers: The 7th grade health class has enjoyed some guest presenters during September and October including dietitian Paige Wagner, a Nurse from Diabetes Youth Services and members of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health).  

Screenings: Continuing vision and hearing screenings during October.  Grades screened are Pre-K, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th.  Students with IEPs and all new students are also screened.  If you have concerns and would like your child screened, please contact me.  

When to Stay Home   Reminder that C-R students are to be fever free for 24 hours without use of fever reducing medication before returning to school.  Students are to be free of diarrhea and/or vomiting for 24 hours prior to returning also. 

How to contact Mrs. Jamison:

Yearbooks on Sale

To purchase your 2023-2024 yearbook, click here.

February 2025

Go Hornets!  Our Hornette elementary cheerleaders led halftime entertainment at the February 10 varsity girls basketball game. Dates to Note...