Friday, May 6, 2022

May 2022

There has been so much to celebrate at Cory-Rawson over the last month!  

The Cory-Rawson team at the Hancock County Math Contest had more success than ever before in the history of the competition.  Our athletic director, Mr. Scott, was chosen to receive the Northwest Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administrator Association's Horizon Award.  The high school concert band earned a "superior" rating at state OMEA large group adjudicated event.  We welcomed back alum Nate Traucht to talk with our students and instruct on weightlifting.  Three CRHS students graduated from Hancock Youth Leadership.  And, before we know it, we'll be sitting in The Hive at the commencement for the class of 2022!  To read more about all of the accomplishments this school year, check out our Pride in the Hive list!

All of this is possible thanks to the commitment of our staff.  Thanks to all of our custodians, teachers, bus drivers, administrators, food service employees, secretaries, and aides for their role in providing big opportunities to our kids and community!

Community Day Coming Up!

The second annual Cory-Rawson Community Day was rescheduled from May 3 to Tuesday, May 10.  Many students will spend the morning outside engaged in service learning (HS students may be traveling to one of the villages, younger students will remain at the school campus).  The afternoon will include a campus celebration.  

Celebrating the Class of 2022

Join us as we celebrate the accomplishments of the Cory-Rawson High School class of 2022!

  • Tuesday 5/10/22 - Senior Awards Ceremony (7pm, auditorium)
  • Sunday 5/15/22 - Senior Parade (starts in Jenera at 2pm, rolls through Rawson and Mt. Cory ending at CRHS)
  • Sunday 5/22/22 - Graduation (2pm, The Hive gymnasium)

Donate to the Cory-Rawson Community Armed Forces Honor Garden

Help make the Cory-Rawson Community Armed Forces Garden a reality!  Learn more about the details of donating by going to the project website today!

District Seeks Senior Composite Pictures

We are collecting class composite photographs for the following CRHS graduating classes:  1953, 1954, 1955, 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, 1960, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, and 1973.  

We're hoping the actual large composite photos or the smaller prints those graduates may have received are still out there we can reproduce to be displayed.  If you can help, please contact Mr. Kris Sherer at

School Foodservice Updates

Summer Meals:  Cory-Rawson will once again offer the summer meal program.  Free hot meals will be available for any child, ages 1-18 (adults can purchase for $4.00).  Pick-up/drive-through only at New Hope Church in Rawson Tuesdays and Thursdays starting June 7 and ending August 25.

2022-2023 School Year:  For the 2022-23 school year, we will not be able to offer free meals to all students and will be going back to pre-COVID procedures where we require families to fill out free and reduced applications.

Free and reduced applications for the 2022-23 school year must be submitted after July 1.  We will email a link to the application to families on July 1.

To add money to student accounts, we accept cash or checks at the cash register daily, or you may add money online at  You may also monitor student accounts, set up autopay or set up low account reminders through this website.  If you have not set one up, instructions to create an account can be found at the link above.

For questions, contact Kirsten Gast at

February 2025

Go Hornets!  Our Hornette elementary cheerleaders led halftime entertainment at the February 10 varsity girls basketball game. Dates to Note...