Wednesday, January 12, 2022

January 2022

Marking the Middle

January 18 marks the beginning of the second semester, which means the 2021-2022 school year is already halfway complete.  As I get older, the school years seem to pass by faster and faster.  

Over the last several months, our strategic planning committee finalized the action steps that we are currently working toward specific to improving communication, elevating student experiences, aligning student learning with future success, and building a strong culture.  For details on the plan, check out the strategic plan webpage.

As we’ve talked with area employers, it’s clear that our students need more than academic skills. A team representing parents, staff, administrators, employers, community, and higher education will engage in creating the Cory-Rawson “Portrait of a Graduate” over the next five months .  We will answer three questions:

What are the hopes, aspirations, and dreams we have for the young people in our community?

What skills do our kids need to be successful in a changing world?

What implications does this have for Cory-Rawson Local Schools?

Stay tuned for these answers by summer, which will be here before we know it!    In our hearts, the Green and Gold.

Jay Clark, Superintendent 


Online soccer registration begins Saturday, January 1, 2022 for all U6 - U15 players (birth years 2007-2018).  We are preparing for a competitive season, meaning we will compete with other clubs in the Black Swamp Soccer League.



Registration forms were sent home for the upcoming youth baseball season. Please fill out the forms and return them to the office. Registration deadline is January 31, 2022.
Contact Mike Walters at or 419-721-4202 with any questions. Thank you.

Peer Model Registration for Cory-Rawson Preschool for 2022-2023

eer model students in the Cory-Rawson Preschool unit serve as role models for the children in our program who have special needs in the area of communication, hearing, vision, social- emotional skills, cognitive skills, motor skills and adaptive behavior skills. If you have any developmental concerns regarding your child please contact the Preschool Supervisor, Donna Losiewicz, at the Hancock Educational Service Center at 419-422-7525 ext. 208.

Children who are at least 3 or 4 years of age by August 1 of the 2022-2023 school year will be screened to determine age appropriate levels of social, physical, and language development prior to enrollment. 

Preschool registration for the screening is February 7th through the 18th. Parents who are interested in registering their child for preschool will need to complete this registration form (or come in to the elementary office to complete). Parents should not call the school office to register.

The preschool screening will be held on March 25 at Cory-Rawson. The preschool teacher, Marianne Brinkman, will call each person on the list to make an appointment for the screening. 

Enrollment in the preschool classroom is limited to 7 peer model students per class. In the event more students apply than slots available, the peer models will be selected based on age of students (students who will attend kindergarten the following year will be considered first), screening observation, and the use of random selection (lottery style). 

There are 2 sessions for preschool. Classes meet Monday through Thursday. The morning class is in session from 7:50 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. The afternoon class is in session from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.. Parents may select a class preference, but there is not a guarantee that parents will be provided their first choice. 

If you have any questions feel free to contact Mrs. Brinkman (preschool teacher) by email: or

Help make our community Armed Forces Honor Garden a reality!

Dear Cory-Rawson Community:

As I have driven and visited other communities and schools throughout our area and in my travels in other states, I have seen a lot of memorials and monuments created to honor those that are serving or have served our country to protect our freedoms.

It has been heavy on my heart for several years to create a memorial to honor those in our community that are serving or have served in one of the branches of our military. The pandemic kind of put my thoughts and ideas on hold for a while. It is now time to move forward.

I am currently working with several individuals to put together a permanent monument that will be located at the school where people can visit and reflect. It will honor all the branches of the military.

As you can imagine, this will be a huge undertaking for the many people that will be involved. My goal is that this will become an 8th grade service project to maintain the grounds as we move into the future. Ongoing maintenance and cleaning will have to occur in order to keep the project in top condition. This will ensure that the monument can continue to be visited and appreciated by many for years to come.

In order for this project to become reality, a lot of funding and time will be needed. My hope is to have monetary donations as well as time volunteered to aid in the completion of the project. As we dive deeper into the project, I will send out updates to ask for specific help.
If you have access to heavy equipment, concrete paving equipment, or possess specialized skills with construction, your volunteer time and efforts would be greatly appreciated.

Contributing to the Honor Garden
If you would like to contribute to funding of the project, there are several ways to do so. A special funding account has been established with the treasurer at school to contain the contributions that are made.

Major donors are being sought for the project. Sponsorship levels include Platinum ($25,000), Gold ($10,000), Silver ($5,000), Bronze ($2,500), and friends ($1,000). Major donors will be recognized near the memorial garden.

Families who wish to purchase brick pavers to honor loved ones may do so as well. Bricks will be $100 each. The name of the person being honored and the branch of the military of the person being honored will be engraved on the brick. Information will be posted at a later date on the school website for purchasing bricks. Updates will also be sent through the listserve or mail.

Those who wish to donate can send contributions to:
Cory-Rawson Schools
3930 County Road 26
Rawson, Ohio 45881
Attn: David Lee
Checks should be made to: Cory-Rawson Schools

I appreciate your time and support of this project which will express continued gratitude towards those who have sacrificed their time and in some cases their lives so that we have the freedoms we do today.

A special thank you goes out to Mr. Sherer for bouncing ideas back and forth. An additional huge thank you goes out to Travis Sands at DNC Hydraulics for making my vision become reality with the digital drawing of the project.

Updated Hancock County COVID-19 Protocols  (1/3/22)

Student tests positive for COVID-19

Student was in close contact with a positive case of COVID-19 at school or at a school activity

Student was in close contact with a positive case of COVID-19 outside of school

Regardless of vaccination status:

  • Stay home for five days regardless of symptoms, isolating from others.

  • On day six, if fever-free for 24 hours and other symptoms resolving, return to school and return to activities with a mask for five days.

  • If mask cannot be worn 100% of time for activities, must be excluded from activities for the full 10 days.

  • If fever or symptoms have not improved, remain at home and once they do improve, you can return to school and activities with a mask for five days.


Regardless of vaccination status:

  • Wear a mask for 10 days after last date of exposure

  • Self- or parent-monitor for symptoms

  • Quarantine and get tested if student begins to experience any symptoms related to COVID-19

Or, student quarantines at home for 5 days and return to school with a mask for 5 days.


Regardless of vaccination status:

  • Take a test* as soon as notified of exposure.  If negative, mask when possible for 10 days during activities. 

  • It’s recommended to test* again on day 5 after exposure.

If your vaccines are up-to-date (including a booster) and/or you tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days:

  • Wear a mask for 10 days after last date of exposure

  • Self- or parent-monitor for symptoms

  • Quarantine and get tested if student begins to experience any symptoms related to COVID-19

  • If mask cannot be worn 100% of time for activities, must be excluded from activities for the full 10 days.

If your vaccines are not up-to-date (or you are unvaccinated) and you have not tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days:

  • Stay home for five days after your last exposure.

  • Wear a mask at school for the next five days.  May participate in activities these five days if a mask can be worn 100% of the time.

  • If you develop symptoms or test positive, stay home.

* test must be a SARS-CoV-2 viral (PCR or antigen) test proctored by a healthcare professional.

February 2025

Go Hornets!  Our Hornette elementary cheerleaders led halftime entertainment at the February 10 varsity girls basketball game. Dates to Note...