Monday, December 12, 2022

December 2022

Our winter break starts Monday, December 19, 2022 and we return to school on Monday, January 2, 2023.  We wish all of our families happy holidays... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

2023-2024 School Calendar Draft Posted

A draft of the 2023-2024 school calendar is posted here.  By law, the district must post the calendar for public input prior to approval by the Board of Education.  Contact Mr. Clark with any questions or suggestions.  The calendar is scheduled to be approved at the January 12, 2023 Board of Education meeting.

Parents & Guardians:  Mark Your Calendar!

Digital Empowerment Project coming to Cory-Rawson

Cory-Rawson Local Schools is hosting Captain Scott Frank, internet safety expert and former ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children task force) investigator, on Monday, January 30, 2023.  Mr. Frank will talk with 6-12 grade students and staff during the day and will address parents and guardians that evening at 6:00pm. For the evening presentation, Mr. Frank asks that no children attend. 

Upcoming Dates to Note

  • Friday, January 13, 2023 - End of 2nd Quarter/1st Semester
  • Monday, January 16, 2023 - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day (No School)

Seeking Host Families for Exchange Students

ASSE International seeks families to host exchange students.  If you're interested in hosting a foreign exchange student for a time period between 3 months to one school year, check out potential students here or contact our local representative Sherry Hintz at 419-274-9176 or 

Senior Class 'Smoked Pork' Dinner   

The CRHS Class of 2023 is holding a Smoked Pork Dinner prior to the boys basketball game versus Liberty-Benton.  It will be held Friday, January 6, 2023, 4-6pm in the Elementary Cafe.  Tickets are $10 each from members of the senior class.

Hornettes Elementary Cheer

The Hornettes Elementary Cheer Camp will take place January 10, 12, 17, and 19 with a performance at the January 20 CRHS basketball game.  Watch for the flyer coming home soon.  

Junior Class Hog Raffle

Junior Class is selling Hog Raffle tickets.  $5 each. 2 winners will be drawn February 4th.  Each will receive 1/2 a processed  hog.  Donated by Hassan Farms.

Music Boosters' Chipotle Fundraiser - January 7

February 2025

Go Hornets!  Our Hornette elementary cheerleaders led halftime entertainment at the February 10 varsity girls basketball game. Dates to Note...