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CRES student Isla Deeds begins the elementary portion of the Veterans Day breakfast and program. |
Below, you can learn more about the Helpful Hive. A Cory-Rawson alum recently made a donation to this student and community resource and included a note with her donation: “Hopefully the funds will help keep the Helpful Hive stocked! The teachers and staff at C-R did so much for me when I was a student from a low-income household. I am so thankful to be in a position where I can help give back! Hopefully these students feel supported and can continue to work towards their goals.”
Small schools are part of small communities where the people take care of each other.
Our students and staff did an amazing job recognizing veterans last week. We welcomed over 60 guests for the biennial Cory-Rawson Local Schools Veterans Breakfast on November 6. Our elementary student-leaders assisted with greeting, serving, speaking and performing. FFA officers escorted our guests to the high school program where our HS students, band and choirs led through speaking and performing. Thanks to all of our guests for joining us as we honored the service and sacrifice of veterans.
Upcoming Dates to Note:
- Wednesday 11/22 - Friday 11/24: Thanksgiving break
- Thursday 11/30: Cory-Rawson Distinguished Alumni Hall of Fame nominations due
- Tuesday 12/5: University of Findlay Parent/Guardian Focus Group (7:00-8:00pm, 254 Winebrenner)
- Wednesday 12/6: MS Band & Choir Holiday Concert (7:30pm, auditorium)
- Tuesday 12/12: HS Band & Choir Holiday Concert (7:30pm, auditorium)
- Tuesday 12/19: K-4 Concert (6:00pm, auditorium)
UF Focus Group
The University of Findlay College of Education seeks input from parents and guardians on how the university can better prepare teachers. They will host the focus group on Tuesday, December 5. Participants will be entered for a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card. If you cannot attend that evening, UF also has a virtual option. More details and the reservation form link can be found here.
Helpful Hive
We would like to introduce you to a new resource that we have available for you–the Helpful Hive. The Helpful Hive has gently used clothing, hygiene items, school supplies, healthy snacks/food, and socio-emotional resources for any student or community member in need. If you feel there is something in there that would help you, please call Mrs. Jamie Campbell, social worker, at 419-963-2611 and she will find an opportunity for you to visit the Helpful Hive OR gather items you need and deliver them to your car in front of the school at a pre-arranged time.
We hope that this will be an amazing resource for our CR students, staff and community!If you are interested in supporting the Helpful Hive, please become a “Beekeeper” by filling out this link. Beekeepers will be sent occasional updates as to what is currently needed in the Helpful Hive. There is zero pressure involved–you simply help when you are able. You can also view our Helpful Hive Amazon wish list at any time. If you would like to shop for things on your own instead of using Amazon, please go into the wish list and mark the items as purchased. You can also “like” the Helpful Hive Facebook page for updates.
Do you know someone in our community who would benefit from some help? Feel free to refer them to this information as well.
About bees: They cooperate in everything they do. They also behave as if individuals matter, while at the same time keeping the common good of the hive as their priority. If one bee is suffering or falling behind, the others step up and do the work, making sure that collective productivity is never reduced.
Notes from the Nurse
'Tis the season for illness. Mainly seeing colds with sore throats, cough, headaches and nausea/vomiting here at school preschool through 12th grade.. If your child is sick, please keep them home.
- This week, the 7th grade health class will hear a presentation on vaping from Deputy Ewing.
- Germs/ Handwashing lessons are being done with K-3rd grade and hygiene lessons for 4-6th grades this week. Ask your child what they have learned.
- We're continuing vision and hearing screenings. Grades screened are Pre-K, K, 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th. Students with IEPs and all new students are also screened. If your child does not pass a screening, you will receive a referral in the mail. If you have concerns and would like your child screened, please contact me.
How to contact Nurse Jamison:
- Email: jamison@cory-rawson.org
- Phone: 419-963-7017 ext 4080
YMCA ELC at Cory-Rawson Opens November 27
Later this month, the YMCA Early Learning Center at Cory-Rawson will open! This child care center will serve infants, toddlers, pre-school-aged children and provide before- and after-school care for school-aged children on our school campus. The YMCA is now accepting registrations - details can be found online or can be picked-up at the YMCA Child Development Center at 231 E. Lincoln Street in Findlay. A grant secured by the Cory-Rawson Education Association helped make this a reality for our community.
Save the Date: College Credit Plus (CCP) & Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Night
Cory-Rawson will be hosting the annual College Credit Plus Evening on January 17th in the Elementary Cafeteria at 5:30pm. This is for any interested or participating 7th through 12th graders for the 24-25 school year.
On the same night, we invite our seniors and their parents/guardians to attend our Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) night. FAFSA night will be located in the Study Hall/Board Room at 6pm.