Wednesday, March 15, 2023

March 2023

Celebrating 10 Years Hornet Strong!

There's a special birthday this week... Our elementary school facility turns 10!  We are celebrating here at Cory-Rawson with a special birthday treat at lunch Wednesday, a banner and decorations, and pictures of our current high school students in their classrooms from when we made the move in 2013.  Thanks to our community for this investment in our schools!

Bus Driveway Reminder

All parents/guardians, visitors, and students should use the County Road 26 entrance to campus and not the bus driveway off of County Road 313 between 7am and 4pm on school days.  There is limited visibility around the bus garage and we want to ensure safety in this area.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Upcoming Dates to Note

Support the Fighting Hornets CMC Bowling for Kids team!

We've stacked an all-star team to represent Cory-Rawson at Children's Mentoring Connection's Bowling for Kids fundraiser! Your generosity benefits kids here in Hancock County... donate today to our team! #HornetStrong

District Wellness Plan Review Scheduled

Every three years, the district is required to review its wellness policy.  The policy is available here.  Any questions or input can be directed to Mr. Clark.

Kindergarten Screening taking place March 22

Kindergarten Screening will be held on Wednesday, March 22nd at Cory-Rawson Elementary School.

The following items will be required that day for registration purposes:

  1. Child's Birth Certificate. This must be the certificate issued by the County Health Department. Hospital Record of Birth is not an acceptable document.
  2. Social Security Card
  3. Current Immunization Record
  4. Any court documents that pertain to the child. This includes custody paperwork, adoption documents, etc.
  5. If this is an Open Enrollment registration, the additional Open Enrollment paperwork must also be completed and returned to the Superintendent's office. This registration, along with the Kindergarten Screening, does not guarantee Open Enrollment acceptance.

On Kindergarten registration and screening day, parents will have a short informational meeting and opportunity to complete Kindergarten signup through FinalForms (Chromebooks Provided) while students are screened by CRES staff.  To register and schedule your screening, please complete this form.

If you have questions regarding any part of the Kindergarten Registration process, please contact Susan Lambert at or by telephone at (419) 963-7017 option 1.

Preschool Registration Information for 2023-24

Peer model students in the Cory-Rawson Preschool unit serve as role models for the children in our program who have special needs in the area of communication, hearing, vision, social- emotional skills, cognitive skills, motor skills and adaptive behavior skills. If you have any developmental concerns regarding your child please contact the Preschool Supervisor, Donna Losiewicz, at the Hancock Educational Service Center at 419-422-7525 ext. 208.

Children who are at least 3 or 4 years of age by August 1 of the 2023-2024 school year will be screened to determine age appropriate levels of social, physical, and language development prior to enrollment.

Preschool registration for the screening is during the month of February. Parents who are interested in registering their child for preschool will need to come to the elementary office and fill out a registration form, or complete the registration form on the Cory-Rawson webpage. Parents should not call the school office to register.

The preschool screening will be held on March 24 at Cory-Rawson. The preschool teacher, Marianne Brinkman, will call each person on the list to make an appointment for the screening.

Enrollment in the preschool classroom is limited to 7 peer model students per class. In the event more students apply then slots available, the peer models will be selected based on age of students (students who will attend kindergarten the following year will be considered first), screening observation, and the use of random selection (lottery style).

There are 2 sessions for CR preschool. Classes meet Monday through Thursday. The morning class is in session from 7:50 a.m. to 10:50 a.m. The afternoon class is in session from 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.. Parents may select a class preference, but there is not a guarantee that parents will be provided their first choice.

The HCESC will be operating a preschool class at the Blanchard Valley Center (Sandusky Street in Findlay) next school year. Children will attend preschool 2 full days (either Monday and Wednesday, or Tuesday and Thursday). Each county school will be assigned specific days. The approximate preschool hours will be from 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The preschool tuition will be the same as the other ESC preschool programs.

When filling out the registration form, please check if you are interested in CR preschool or Blanchard Valley preschool.

If you have any questions feel free to contact Mrs. Brinkman (preschool teacher) at or 419-963-7017 ext. 3011.

Music Boosters Collecting Community Market Receipts

As an ongoing fundraiser, the Cory-Rawson Music Boosters are collecting receipts from Community Market.  Please turn them in to Mrs. Davis or Mrs. Glenn.  We thank you in advance for your support!

February 2025

Go Hornets!  Our Hornette elementary cheerleaders led halftime entertainment at the February 10 varsity girls basketball game. Dates to Note...